Isnin, 17 Februari 2014


Dicatat oleh mawaddah.mansor di 11:52 PG

Assalamualaikum and hye peeps..lama weh x menulis dlm blog ni. Aura menulis tu xdatang thats why la blog ni lama menyepi.hahah Ouh yes now i’m in third year so means that I’m in clinical years!! Actually clinical years ni seronok apart from the doctors yg garang2 la because we learn from patient. We clerk patient and we relate it with what we had learned before during the pre clinical years (year 1 and 2).

I just want to share something about one of my patient in HSB. Currently I’m in obstetrics and gynaecology posting (sakit puan) so of course la patient I semua perempuan yedok..semalam ade la take history from this patient and she is very kind siap bagi pisang lagi sebelum balik. Yeah i know it just a pisang but for me benda tu sgt la besar. Entering medical field actually is not an easy thing. Direject patient adalah bnda paling sedih okey. Dua malam xleh tidur sbb fikir “knp makcik tu xnk aku clerk dia?” “knp kakak tu buat2 tido?” “knp pakcik tu lari bila aku pergi dekat dia” kenapa.kenapa.kenapa. sedih but to whom kte nk mengadu?doctors? lagi la scary. But i just mengadu kt umi.siap pesan lagi “kalau ade student approach umi kt hospital umi jgn la buat xtau.cerita je all problem dkt dia.haha.ambek kau siap tinggalkan pesanan lagi. Its a learning process hokay. Mane ade doctor terus jadi specialist tanpa menjadi student sbelum ni.

Ok berbalik pada my patient tu she currently pregnant for 23 weeks. Masa clerk tu tiba-tiba dia ade contraction. So then dia tarik my hand and ckp “adik cuba pgng.adik jangan takut” sambil letak atas perut. First time clerk patient almost 3 hours. Patient ni dah byk kali keluar masuk hospital so dia ade byk sgt experience psl pregnancy ni. She teach me a lot.
So we learn from our mistakes. I never regret being a medical student.

Gambar patient confidential so nah gambar tuan blog je bleh tengok

Before entering OT (operation theatre). Nk masuk ot pn kena berebut okay
Thats all.bye J

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Isnin, 17 Februari 2014


Dicatat oleh mawaddah.mansor di 11:52 PG

Assalamualaikum and hye peeps..lama weh x menulis dlm blog ni. Aura menulis tu xdatang thats why la blog ni lama menyepi.hahah Ouh yes now i’m in third year so means that I’m in clinical years!! Actually clinical years ni seronok apart from the doctors yg garang2 la because we learn from patient. We clerk patient and we relate it with what we had learned before during the pre clinical years (year 1 and 2).

I just want to share something about one of my patient in HSB. Currently I’m in obstetrics and gynaecology posting (sakit puan) so of course la patient I semua perempuan yedok..semalam ade la take history from this patient and she is very kind siap bagi pisang lagi sebelum balik. Yeah i know it just a pisang but for me benda tu sgt la besar. Entering medical field actually is not an easy thing. Direject patient adalah bnda paling sedih okey. Dua malam xleh tidur sbb fikir “knp makcik tu xnk aku clerk dia?” “knp kakak tu buat2 tido?” “knp pakcik tu lari bila aku pergi dekat dia” kenapa.kenapa.kenapa. sedih but to whom kte nk mengadu?doctors? lagi la scary. But i just mengadu kt umi.siap pesan lagi “kalau ade student approach umi kt hospital umi jgn la buat xtau.cerita je all problem dkt dia.haha.ambek kau siap tinggalkan pesanan lagi. Its a learning process hokay. Mane ade doctor terus jadi specialist tanpa menjadi student sbelum ni.

Ok berbalik pada my patient tu she currently pregnant for 23 weeks. Masa clerk tu tiba-tiba dia ade contraction. So then dia tarik my hand and ckp “adik cuba pgng.adik jangan takut” sambil letak atas perut. First time clerk patient almost 3 hours. Patient ni dah byk kali keluar masuk hospital so dia ade byk sgt experience psl pregnancy ni. She teach me a lot.
So we learn from our mistakes. I never regret being a medical student.

Gambar patient confidential so nah gambar tuan blog je bleh tengok

Before entering OT (operation theatre). Nk masuk ot pn kena berebut okay
Thats all.bye J

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